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TR32 PhD Reports for year 2014

PhD Report(s)

Klimpt, J., 2014. Biogenic CO2 fluxes and two settings for identical twin experiments performed with EURAD-IM - PhD-Report. PhD Report, RIU, Cologne.

Schiedung, H., 2014. Spatial controls on heterotrophic respiration in a temperate grassland. PhD Report, Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES) - Division Soil Science, University Bonn, Bonn, Germany.

Schiedung, H., 2014. Spatial controls on heterotrophic respiration in a temperate grassland. PhD Report, Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, Soil Science and Soil Ecology, Nussallee 13, University of Bonn, 53115 Bonn, Germany, Bonn, Germany.

Knist, S., 2014. Water cycle processes and land-atmosphere interactions in multi-scale regional climate change simulations with the WRF atmospheric model over Europe in the context of the WCRP Euro-CORDEX initiative, Report 3 - Land atmosphere coupling in Euro-CORDEX validation runs. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn, Germany, Bonn, Germany.

Cai, G., 2014. Effects of soil water availability on water fluxes in winter wheat (improved with the data of 2014). PhD Report, Institute of Bio and Geosciences Agrosphere (IBG-3), Research Center Jülich, Jülich, Germany.

Bick, T., 2014. 4th PhD report: High-resolution radar data assimilation using the LETKF. PhD Report, Meteorological Insitute, University of Bonn, Bonn.

Cai, X., 2014. Monitoring water and moisture content with improved Slim-Line logging tool in Gemmenich (Belgium). PhD Report, Institute for Technische und Makromolekulare Chemie, Aachen.

Meyer, N., 2014. Nitrogen controls spatial and temporal variability of substrate-induced respiration curves within six years of bare fallow - First Semi-Annual Progress Report. PhD Report, Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES), Soil Science and Soil Ecology, Bonn, Germany.

Diefenthal, G., 2014. Objective Error Quantification for Polarimetric Based Precipitation Estimates using X-Band Radar. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, Bonn.

Diefenthal, G., 2014. Objective Error Quantification for Polarimetric Based Precipitation Estimates using X-Band Radar. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, Bonn.

Redl, S., 2014. Evaluation of reanalysis hydrometeors using microwave radiances - 5th IRTG report, Stephanie Redl, 2014. PhD Report, Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Germany, Cologne, Germany.

Klimpt, J., 2014. First joint identical twin experiments with a 1D version of EURAD-IM - PhD-Report. PhD Report, RIU, Cologne.

Merz, S., 2014. Transition of Stage I to Stage II evaporation regime in the topmost soil: High-resolution NMR imaging, profiling and numerical simulation - 5th report. PhD Report, IBG-2/IBG-3, Jülich, Germany.

Kelter, M., 2014. Monitoring of an infiltration experiment using electrical impedance tomography - 5th report. PhD Report, Institute of Bio- & Geosciences (IBG-3), Research Center Jülich, Jülich, Germany.

Lu, Y., 2014. Propagation of LSM uncertainties to hydrological and thermal state of the soil and their impact on Terrestrial System state. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, University Bonn, Bonn, Germany.

Zerenner, T., 2014. Downscaling near-surface atmospheric fields with multi-objective Genetic Programming. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, University Bonn, Bonn, Germany.

Esch, S., 2014. Derivation and analysis of spatial soil moisture patterns from SAR-data - 2nd semi-annual report for IRTG. PhD Report, Department of Geography, University of Cologne, Germany, Cologne, Germany.

Huber, K., 2014. Plant adaptations to water stress situations: long-term and short-term responses. PhD Report, Institute of Bio and Geosciences Agrosphere (IBG-3), Research Center Jülich, Jülich, Germany.

Stockinger, M., 2014. On the relevance of interception loss and isotope tracer transformation by spruce canopy for transit time modelling - PhD Report 6. PhD Report, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany.

Knist, S., 2014. Water cycle processes and land-atmosphere interactions in multi-scale regional climate change simulations with the WRF atmospheric model over Europe in the context of the WCRP Euro-CORDEX initiative, Report 2. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn, Germany, Bonn, Germany.

Cai, G., 2014. Effects of soil water availability on water fluxes in winter wheat. PhD Report, Institute of Bio and Geosciences Agrosphere (IBG-3), Research Center Jülich, Jülich, Germany.

von Hebel, C., 2014. Imaging of Buried Paleo-River Channels by Joint Data Inversion of Multiple Electromagnetic Induction Devices. PhD Report, IBG-3, Juelich.

von Hebel, C., 2014. The depth of buried paleo-river channels. PhD Report, IBG-3, Juelich.

von Hebel, C., 2014. Advances and limitations in electromagnetic induction. PhD Report, IBG-3, Juelich.

von Hebel, C., 2014. Advances and limitations in electromagnetic induction. PhD Report, IBG-3, Juelich.

von Hebel, C., 2014. Improved calibration and inversion of electromagnetic induction data. PhD Report, IBG-3, Juelich.

Bick, T., 2014. 3rd PhD report: High-resolution radar data assimilation using the LETKF. PhD Report, Meteorological Insitute, University of Bonn, Bonn.

Cornelissen, T., 2014. Scale Dependencies in the 3D Hydrological Simulation of Forested Catchments. PhD Report, Department of Geography, Hydrology Research Group, University Bonn, Bonn, Germany.

Kelter, M., 2014. Monitoring of an infiltration experiment using electrical impedance tomography - 4th report. PhD Report, Institute of Bio- & Geosciences (IBG-3), Research Center Jülich, Jülich, Germany.

Klimpt, J., 2014. CO2 flux estimation by 4D-Var data assimilation of in-situ and remote sensing data - PhD-Report. PhD Report, RIU, Cologne.

Redl, S., 2014. Evaluation of reanalysis hydrometeors using microwave radiances - 4th IRTG report, Stephanie Redl, 2014. PhD Report, Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Germany, Cologne, Germany.

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University of Cologne
Institute for
Geophysics and Meteorology

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