Research Area:Atmospheric Sciences, Mathematics
We will develop a common theoretical fundament for the unified description of patterns and pattern interactions. This shall be achieved by the development and application of multivariate, vector-valued, location- and possibly time-dependent statistical models with as few parameters as possible, namely sparse representations. Sparse representations are data- and/or model adapted mathematical representations in appropriate bases formulated and encoded with a minimal degrees of freedom. The most important quantities for describing the atmosphere and land-surface exchange patterns are sensible heat, latent heat and CO2 fluxes, which will be obtained from model simulations and observations. These data will be analyzed with the help of wavelet and curvelet decompositions and, in particular, with empirical mode decompositions (EMDs) for describing patterns. EMDs are specifically adapted to and constructed for the targeted data and computed with numerical tools such as optimizations based on interpolating local extremes by piecewise polynomials. Pattern interactions shall be described by identifying mappings between patterns in their sparse representations. Based on the outcome of these analyses, we will propose methods for the incorporation of pattern interactions in integrated models like TerrSysMP to improve simulations and predictions.
The developed theory and techniques will be applied to pattern and pattern-interaction analysis using the large-eddy simulations performed in D6, as well as to the ground-based remote sensing observations from the TR32 and possibly to satellite data.
Cooperation partner:
C1, C3, C4, D6, D7
Prof. Dr.Angela KunothPrincipal Investigatorin C7
University of CologneMathematical Institute
Weyertal 86-9050931 Cologne Germany
Prof. Dr.Yaping ShaoPrincipal Investigatorin C7, D6, Z4
University of CologneInstitute forGeophysics and Meteorology
Pohligstr. 350969 Cologne Germany
Dr. rer. nat.Cedrick AnsorgeScientistin C7
Pohligstraße 350969 Cologne Germany
Dr.Boqiang HuangScientistin C7
Weyertal 86-9050931 Colgne Germany
M.Sc.Jose LiconPh.D. Studentin C7
Stefanie NeskePh.D. Studentin C7, D6
M.Sc.Zahra ParsakhooPh.D. Studentin D6, C7
TR 32 -Database
Precipitation radar Uni Bonn
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