TR32 PhD Reports for Project
PhD Report(s)
Klimpt, J., 2015. Combined CO2 state and flux estimation with the 4D-Var system EURAD-IM - PhD-Report. PhD Report, RIU, Cologne.
Klimpt, J., 2014. Biogenic CO2 fluxes and two settings for identical twin experiments performed with EURAD-IM - PhD-Report. PhD Report, RIU, Cologne.
Klimpt, J., 2014. First joint identical twin experiments with a 1D version of EURAD-IM - PhD-Report. PhD Report, RIU, Cologne.
Klimpt, J., 2014. CO2 flux estimation by 4D-Var data assimilation of in-situ and remote sensing data - PhD-Report. PhD Report, RIU, Cologne.
Klimpt, J., 2013. Deveolpment plan jklimpt. PhD Report, Rhenish Institute for Environmental Research (RIU), Cologne, Germany.
Klimpt, J., 2013. First year evaluation jklimpt. PhD Report, Rhenish Institute for Environmental Research (RIU), Cologne, Germany.