
PhD-Reports sorted by


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TR32 PhD Reports for Project D5

PhD Report(s)

Diefenthal, G., 2017. Towards Improved Attenuation Corrections by Exploiting a Twin Polarimetric X-Band Radar Setup. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, Bonn.

Schmidt, M., 2017. 1st Progress Report: State of the art - PhD Report 1. PhD Report, University of Bonn, Meteorological Institute, Bonn.

Schinagl, K., 2017. Fourth semi-annual report for IRTG D5: A high-resolution multi-scale space-time precipitation model from direct measurements and remote sensing. PhD Report, University of Bonn, Bonn.

Schinagl, K., 2016. Third semi-annual report for IRTG D5: A high-resolution multi-scale space-time precipitation model from direct measurements and remote sensing. PhD Report, University of Bonn, Bonn.

Diefenthal, G., 2016. Towards Improved Attenuation Correction Exploiting the Twin Polarimetric X-Band Radars. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, Bonn.

Diefenthal, G., 2016. Towards Improved Attenuation Correction Exploiting the Twin Polarimetric X-Band Radars. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, Bonn.

Diefenthal, G., 2016. Objective Error Quantification for Polarimetric Based Precipitation Estimates using X-Band Radar. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, Bonn.

Diefenthal, G., 2016. Objective Error Quantification for Polarimetric Based Precipitation Estimates using X-Band Radar. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, Bonn.

Keune, J., 2015. Assessing the impact of the groundwater representation in regional climate simulations. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn, Bonn.

Schinagl, K., 2015. First semi-annual report for IRTG D5: A high-resolution multi-scale space-time precipitation model from direct measurements and remote sensing. PhD Report, University of Bonn, Bonn.

Diefenthal, G., 2015. Objective Error Quantification for Polarimetric Based Precipitation Estimates using X-Band Radar. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, Bonn.

Schinagl, K., 2015. A high-resolution multi-scale space-time precipitation model from direct measurements and remote sensing - Second semi-annual report for IRTG. PhD Report, University of Bonn, Bonn.

Diefenthal, G., 2014. Objective Error Quantification for Polarimetric Based Precipitation Estimates using X-Band Radar. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, Bonn.

Diefenthal, G., 2014. Objective Error Quantification for Polarimetric Based Precipitation Estimates using X-Band Radar. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, Bonn.

Redl, S., 2014. Evaluation of reanalysis hydrometeors using microwave radiances - 5th IRTG report, Stephanie Redl, 2014. PhD Report, Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Germany, Cologne, Germany.

Redl, S., 2014. Evaluation of reanalysis hydrometeors using microwave radiances - 4th IRTG report, Stephanie Redl, 2014. PhD Report, Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Germany, Cologne, Germany.

Redl, S., 2013. Evaluation of reanalysis hydrometeors using microwave radiances - 3rd PhD report, Stephanie Redl, 2013. PhD Report, Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Germany, Cologne, Germany.

Maahn, M., 2013. Using Higher Radar Moments for Observing Ice Clouds (Sensitivity Study). PhD Report, Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Germany, Cologne, Germany.

Redl, S., 2012. Evaluation of reanalysis hydrometeors using microwave radiances - 2nd PhD report, Stephanie Redl, 2012. PhD Report, Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Germany, Cologne, Germany.

Maahn, M., 2012. Improved Micro Rain Radar snow measurements using Doppler spectra post-processing. PhD Report, Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Germany, Cologne, Germany.

Krebsbach, K., 2012. A Gaussian Markov random eld approach for radar rainfall information. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn, Germany, Bonn, Germany.

Redl, S., 2012. Evaluation of reanalysis hydrometeors using microwave radiances - 1st PhD report, Stephanie Redl, 2012. PhD Report, Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Germany, Cologne, Germany.

Behnke, K., 2012. Objective error quanti cation for polarimetric based precipitation estimates for di erent time and space scales using X-band radar. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.

Maahn, M., 2012. MRR noise processing. PhD Report, Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Germany, Cologne, Germany.

Krebsbach, K., 2012. Aggregation and Disaggregation of radar rainfall data. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn, Germany, Bonn, Germany.

Krebsbach, K., 2011. High-resolution space-time modelling for precipitation. PhD Report, Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn, Germany, Bonn, Germany.

Maahn, M., 2011. Measuring snow with a low-power K-band radar (Micro Rain Radar). PhD Report, Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Germany, Cologne, Germany.

For further information, please contact:


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Nadine Horst
(geb. Heinrichs)

IRTG Coordinator

University of Cologne
Institute for
Geophysics and Meteorology

D-50923 Cologne
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