General Links
General Links
The GWK (Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz)
Equal opportunities in science and research. Women in Academia and Non-academic Research Establishments
Flyer published by the “Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung”
Family planning and scientific reality
European Commission "Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion"
publication about the new strategy on gender equality
Strategy for equality between women and men 2010-2015
The European Community of pratice on gender mainstreaming
GenderKompetenzZentrum (website in german )
Overview about basis information on gender equality policy and on-going programms.
Online Database of the “Center of Excellence. Women and Science”. Comprises current scientific profiles of several thousand experts of any discipline. . FemConsult enables to find scientists for current requests and bid invitations at any time.
The web's largest database of scholarships in Europe
This website integrates the funding opportunities for studying, working or performing research in one of the European nations. The portal aims to stimulate and help students worldwide to find and select appropriate scholarships to study in Europe.
- A central European website providing information on scholarships for studying in Europe
- Boosts world-wide visibility of and access to scholarship programmes in Europe
- Unifies the scattered information on all kinds of funding opportunities, such as grants, fellowships, awards, exchanges, and of course scholarships
- Presents scholarship information in a comprehensive, structured and transparent way
Arm aber Sexy
A blog of young academics who address the problematic conditions of employment in science
Newspaper article about the Blog “Arm aber Sexy” in the Süddeutsche Zeitung
Article in the FAZ. Men-Women-Career. Aren’t they allowed or do they just not want?
Newspaper article in "Die Zeit". Job chances for young men.