If you have recently become a member of the IRTG, please read the following information carefully.
This document describes everyone's responsibilities at the start of a new membership: SOP_new_membership.
Rules and Guidelines
The aim of the IRTG is twofold: certificated training alongside your research project and structured supervision. Through the following information, you can get an idea of what is expected of IRTG members, and what opportunities they get.
In the Rules and Guidelines section you can find some documents that explain the prerequisites and tasks of
IRTG membership: the Agreement of supervision is a document that you and your supervisory team (the so-called doctoral committee) will have to discuss and sign within the first 3 months of your membership. Most tasks and rights are lain down in this document. It sometimes refers to more detailed information in the IRTG statutes (thus far only available in German: IRTG Ordnung).
For further information about meetings with your doctoral committee, check this link.
The document doctoral student annotated task list sums up the members' tasks and explains a bit more about compulsory training.
First steps
One of the first steps for you to take at this point is to discuss the composition of your doctoral committee (DC) with your advisor. Send the three names in an email to irtg@tr32.de in the next few weeks. They need to be approved by the TR32 directorate. You will be informed of the directorate's decision a.s.a.p.