The DFG (German Research Foundation), the Universities of Aachen, Bonn and Cologne and the Research Centre Jülich regard equal opportunities for male and female scientists as essential for the advance of their projects. In the framework of the “TR32 - Pattern in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Systems: Monitoring, Modelling and Data Assimilation” the decision was made to establish a gender board to actively promote gender-specific issues.
English Version
Gender Equality Measures in Research Networks
German Version
Chancengleichheitsmaßnahmen in Forschungsverbünden
The functions of the Gender Board:
- to support and encourage gender mainstreaming strategies
- to convey mentoring and training programs at the Universities of Aachen, Bonn and Cologne and the Research Center Jülich
- to establish a network of initiatives promoting gender-balance in science
- to provide addresses of daycare facilities and family support
For more information about our Gender Equality Program, see here.
EMS Annual Meeting 12.-16. September 2011, Berlin, Germany
Masbou M., C. Simmer, S. Kollet, S. Crewell, B. Diekkrüger, N. Klitzsch, and H. Vereecken
Gender Equality Programm in Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 32: Support for postdoc leading to principal investigator positions (solicited)
You are very welcome to participate.