Eco-hydrological investigations of the feedback between the biosphere, pedosphere, and the hydrosphere at different spatial and temporal scales

Research Area:
Hydrology, environmental modeling, isotope analysis

Comparison of measured and simulated soil moisture from 13.01.2011. Observed patterns are compared with simulated patterns in two spatial resolutions (25 and 100m).
C1 investigates interactions and feedbacks between atmosphere, biosphere, pedosphere, and hydrosphere. Thereby, C1 aims at improving the representation of ecohydrological and sub-surface processes of the central TR32 model platform TerrSysMP.
The investigations are conducted in the Wüstebach (forest) and the Rollesbroich (grass land) catchments. A wireless sensor network has been developed and installed in both catchments and delivers accurate estimates of soil moisture dynamics and patterns. Ecohydrological forest processes are monitored by sap flow, dendrometer, throughfall and soil respiration measurements in the Wüstebach catchment and nearby forest sites. They will be scaled up from the point to the catchment scale by process-based modeling. To investigate runoff mechanisms and changes of catchment characteristics that affect water travel times, transit time distributions are determined from stable isotope data of precipitation and groundwater at several locations in the stream.
By combining observed data and transit time distributions with 3D modeling (HydroGeoSphere, TerrSysMP) we investigate the complex interplay of soil properties, topography, groundwater depth, vegetation and climate forcings. The main target is to analyze to what extent local and non-local controls affect spatial variability and temporal stability of soil moisture.
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