Picture: A.Klotzsche |
Event name: ABC/J Summer School Hydrogeophysics
Event dates: 27.8.-31.8.2018
Event location: Jülich, Germany
Author name: Shari van Treeck
Author position: PhD student
Author institute: Geophysics, Steinmann Institute, University of Bonn
Author project: B6
The Hydrogeophysics Summer School focused on geophysical methods that are used to observe soil water content and fluid flow in the subsurface. During the first two days we had lectures about the basics and some case studies of the different methods. The speakers were Sarah Garré (Liège University), Yudi Pan (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Sander Huisman (Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) / University of Stuttgart), Jan van der Kruk (FZJ, RWTH Aachen), Christian von Hebel (FZJ) and Anja Klotzsche (FZJ). The methods presented were surface and borehole ground penetrating radar (GPR), electromagnetic induction (EMI), electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), spectral induced polarisation (SIP) & electrical impedance tomography (EIT) and seismics.
On the third and fourth day we went out to the test sites in Krauthausen and Selhausen to gain hands-on experience. In teams of 3-4 people we got very close experience with the methods in the field. The methods in the field were borehole & surface GPR, seismics, ERT and EMI. First post-processing was done in the field together with the tutors and the results were presented on the last day of the week.
This summer school for me was partly a repetition of methods I learned during my bachelor and master courses plus I got a very close hands-on experience with methods I am not quite familiar with (like GPR, EMI, seismics). The networking with other students and researches from the broad field of hydrology/hydrogeophysics was very interesting and a positive experience.