Master of Science Inken Rabbel Ph.D. Student in C1
University of Bonn Meckenheimer Allee 172 |
+49 (0)228 - 73 3441 | | | |
SFB/TR32 - Project affiliations
C1 - Eco-hydrological investigations of the feedbacks between the biosphere, the pedosphere, and the hydrosphere at different spatial and temporal scales
MGK - Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG)
Doctoral research topic
Analyzing feedbacks in a forest soil-vegetation-atmosphere system
Advisors: Prof. Dr. B. Diekkrüger, Prof. Dr. Mathhias Langensiepen, Dr. Heye Bogena
Scientific interests
- Forest hydrology
- Eco-hydrological measurement techniques in forest systems (sap flow, dendrometer,...)
- Upscaling and modelling of eco-hydrological forest processes
2010-2013 Master of Science (Geography), University of Bonn
Research topic "Modelling tree water use and soil water dynamics of irrigated afforestation plantations in Khorezm (Uzbekistan)"
2007-2010 Bachelor of Science (Geography), University of Bonn
Research topic "Auswirkung von Wiederaufforstungsmaßnahmen auf Bodeneigenschaften - Eine bodenkundliche Analyse im semi-ariden Hohen Atlas Marokkos"
Rabbel, I., Bogena, H., Neuwirth, B., Diekkrüger, B (2018): Using Sap Flow Data to Parameterize the Feddes Water Stress Model for Norway Spruce. Water 10, 279. doi:10.3390/w10030279
Rabbel, I., Diekkrüger, B., Voigt, H. & B. Neuwirth (2016): Comparing ΔTmax determination approaches for Granier-based sapflow estimations. Sensors 16 (12), 2042. doi:10.3390/s16122042
Conference contributions
Rabbel, I., Neuwirth, B., Bogena, H. & B. Diekkrüger (2018): Exploring the growth response of Norway spruce (Picea abies) along a small-scale gradient of soil water supply. Oral presentation at the TRACE 2018: Tree rings in archaeology, climatology and ecology, 24.-27.04.2018, Greifswald, Germany.
Rabbel, I., Neuwirth, B., Bogena, H. & B. Diekkrüger (2018): Exploring small-scale patterns in a forest soil-vegetation-atmosphere system. Oral presentation at the International Conference on Terrestrial Systems Research: Monitoring, Prediction and High Performance Computing, 4.-6.04.2018, Bonn, Germany.
Rabbel, I., Diekkrüger, B., Bogena, H. & B. Neuwirth (2017): Impacts of contrasting soil moisture regimes on sap flow activity and diurnal stem extension of Norway spruce. Oral presentation at the 10th International Workshop on Sap Flow, 22.-26.05.2017, Fullerton (LA), USA.
Rabbel, I., Diekkrüger, B., Voigt, H. & B. Neuwirth (2016): Comparing ΔTmax determination approaches for Granier-based sapflow estimations. Poster presentation at the ISHS Symposium 2016: Sensing plant water status - methods and applications in horticultural science, 05.-07.10.2016, Potsdam, Germany.
Best poster award at the ISHS Symposium 2016, Potsdam, 05.-07.10.2016. Poster title: Comparing ΔTmax determination approaches for Granier-based sapflow estimations.