DC members (extra)
- not members of the TR32 -
Dr. Hella Ahrends (Kiel)
Abteilung Acker- und Pflanzenbau
Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung Christian-Albrechts
Universität zu Kiel
Email: ahrends@pflanzenbau.uni-kiel.de
Link: http://www.pflanzenbau.uni-kiel.de/de/mitarbeiter/ahrends-hella
Dr. Alessandro Battaglia (Leicester)
Department of Physics & Astronomy,
University of Leicester,
United Kingdom
Email: ab474@le.ac.uk
Link: http://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/physics/people/alessandrobattaglia
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Brüggemann (Jülich)
Forschungszentrum Jülich IBG-3
Email: n.brueggemann@fz-juelich.de
Link: http://www.fz-juelich.de/ibg/ibg-3/EN/Staff/B/Brueggemann%20Nicolas/Brueggemann%20Nicolas.html?nn=1239630
Dr. Sarah Garré
Faculty Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
University of Liège
Email: sarah.garre@ulg.ac.be
Link: http://www.gembloux.ulg.ac.be/systemes-sol-eau/?page_id=595
Dr. Klaus Görgen (Jülich)
Forschungzentrum Jülich - Jülich Supercomputing Centre
Email: k.goergen@fz-juelich.de
Link: http://www.hpsc-terrsys.de/simlab
Dr. Volker Küll (Bonn)
Meteorological Institute
University of Bonn
Email: volker.kuell@uni-bonn.de
Link: http://www2.meteo.uni-bonn.de/forschung/gruppen/tgwww/people/index_german.php?memid=3
Dr. Markus Küppers (Aachen)
Macromolecular Chemistry
RWTH Aachen University
Email: kueppers@itmc.rwth-aachen.de
Link: http://www.mc.rwth-aachen.de/aw/cms/MC/Themen/Huelle_Personen/personen/Mitarbeiter/~vfl/kueppers/?lang=en
Dr. Roland Martin (Bonn)
Geodynamik/ Angewandte Geophysik
University of Bonn
Email: rmartin@geo.uni-bonn.de
Link: http://www.geo.uni-bonn.de/mitarbeiter/dr.-roland-martin
Dr. Matthieu Masbou (DWD)
Deutscher Wetterdienst
Email: matthieu.masbou@dwd.de
Dr. Mario Mech
Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie
Universität zu Köln
Email: mech@meteo.uni-koeln.de
Link: http://www.geomet.uni-koeln.de/allgemein/das-institut/mitarbeiter/detailansicht/7533730df31337fc73452f537d5f782e/?L=2&tx_wtdirectory_pi1%5Bshow%5D=44&tx_rggooglemap_pi1%5Bpoi%5D=44
Prof. Dr. Gunter Menz
Geographisches Institut
Universität Bonn
Email: g.menz@geographie.uni-bonn.de
Link: http://www.geographie.uni-bonn.de/forschung/arbeitsgruppe-menz/mitarbeiter/prof.-dr.-gunter-menz
Dr. Valentijn Pauwels
Department of Civil Engineering
Monash University
Clayton, VIC 3800
Email: Valentijn.Pauwels@monash.edu
Link: http://lhwm.ugent.be/~vpauwels/
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stahl
Institut für Physikalische Chemie
RWTH Aachen Landoltweg 2
52056 Aachen
Email: w.stahl@rwth-aachen.de
Link: http://www.ipc.rwth-aachen.de/stahl
Dr. Silke Trömel
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Meteorologisches Institut
Auf dem Hügel 20
53121 Bonn
Email: silke.troemel@uni-bonn.de
Link: http://www2.meteo.uni-bonn.de/staff/stroemel/doku.php
Dr. Kathrin Wapler
Deutscher Wetterdienst
Email: kathrin.wapler@dwd.de
Lecture Series
Lecture Series (no longer running)
In the TR32 Lecture Series, the diverse themes of the research carried out within the collaborative research centre were introduced by the principal investigators. The lectures were primarily organised for the doctoral students who are members of TR32's Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG), but they were open to all.
In summer 2013, the Lecture Series was replaced by Research Training Days: full-day training events on TR32-related topics.
Schedule TR32 Lecture Series |
Date: |
Venue: |
Time: |
Speaker & Subject: |
Fr 17.05.2013 |
Bonn, Meteorological Institute, Auf dem Hügel 20, 53121 Bonn Hörsaal |
13:30 - 14:30 |
Carsten Burstedde The finite-element method and its applications in geophysics |
14:30 - 15:30 |
Stefan Kollet Theoretical principles of transfer of moisture, energy and momentum between the subsurface and the atmosphere |
PC Room | 15:30 - 17:00 | Introduction to the TR32 modeling platform TerrSysMP | ||||
Fr 19.04.2013 |
Forschungszentrum Jülich Jülich Supercomputing Center, Building 16.3, Room 004 (Ground floor) |
09:30 - 11:00 |
Björn Waske & Uwe Rascher Remote Sensing Day Lectures |
Directions: | ||||||
http://www.fz-juelich.de/ias/jsc/EN/AboutUs/Anfahrt/anfahrt_node.html |
11:00 - 14:30 | Exercises | ||||
14:30 - 16:00 |
Site visits JOYCE (Jülich ObservatorY for Cloud Evolution) and Greenhouses |
Fr 13.07.2012 |
Köln Seminar Room, Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, Kerpener Str. 13, D-50937 Köln Map |
12:30 - 13:45 |
Bernhard Blümich Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for presentation: see TR32DB |
14:00 - 15:15 |
Karl Schneider Land-surface processes for presentation: see TR32DB |
Fr 29.06.2012 |
Köln, Kastanienhof, Statthalterhofweg 70, 50858 Köln |
09:30 - 10:45
Christoph Clauser General geophysics for presentation: see TR32DB |
(morning of Geoverbund ABC/J Sommerfest) | ||||||
11:00 - 12:15 |
Wulf Amelung Soil organic chemistry for presentation: see TR32DB |
12:30 - 14:00 |
IRTG 2nd GENERAL ASSEMBLY including lunch |
Fr 22.06.2012 |
Bonn!!! Meteorological Institute, Auf dem Hügel 20, 53121 Bonn Hörsaal |
Electrical and electromagnetic methods for hydrogeophysical applications Andreas Kemna Part 1: Resistivity and induced polarization methodsfor presentation: see TR32DB |
(afternoon of TR32 General Meeting) | ||||||
Jan van der Kruk Part 2: Electromagnetic induction and ground-penetrating radar methods for presentation: see TR32DB |
Van der Kruk & Kemna with students Part 3: Discussion based on selected case histories Main hydrogeophysical applications and methodological challenges |
Fr 25.05.2012 |
Köln Hörsaal E, Universitätsstr. 35 |
Hendrik Elbern Data assimilation principles Data assimilation combines all available information from observations, remote sensing measurements, the model, and other statistical data, to produce an optimally estimated "analysis", preferably with error bars. for presentation: see TR32DB |
10:30 |
Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen Data assimilation in hydrology The second hour will focus on data assimilation methods in hydrology. The main uncertainties that affect hydrological predictions will be listed and discussed and it will be clarified how (sequential) data assimilation methods are therefore adapted to optimally handle these uncertainty sources. A focus will be on parameter estimation in the context of sequential data assimilation methods. Also a few examples will be given. for presentation: see TR32DB |
11:30 to 12:30 | Exercises | |||||
Fr 10.02.2012 |
Aachen Room 0024 of E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen University |
09:30 to 10:40 |
Georg Bareth Geoinformatics (Lecture and discussion) The core idea of the presentation is to introduce (i) the definition of Geoinformatics, (ii) basic concepts, and (iii) all day applications. Additionally, ongoing project activities (e.g. TR32DB) will be explained as case studies. |
(morning of TR32 General Meeting) | ||||||
10:50 to 12:00 |
Heye Bogena Environmental monitoring (Lecture and discussion) In the presentation the environmental monitoring concept of the TERENO will be described. The Wüstebach research station is taken as an example to illustrate the potential of intensive hydrologic monitoring for process analysis at the subcatchment scale. for presentation: see TR32DB
Fr 27.01.2012 |
Bonn University Meckenheimer Allee 176; Room 0.005 |
09:30 |
Michael Herbst Geostatistics The first lecture is focused on basic multivariate geostatistics. Three major problem areas of geostatistics will be addressed: quantifying spatial variability (variograms), multivariate spatial interpolation (kriging), and stochastic simulation.
for presentation: see TR32DB
Basic literature is available from m.herbst@fz-juelich.de
10:45 |
Bernd Diekkrüger Patterns in Hydrology The second lecture will focus on patterns, processes and functions in catchment hydrology. Besides description, analysis and modelling of patterns, scale dependencies in space and time will be discussed. for presentation: see TR32DB
Further reading is available for download:
![]() ![]() |
12:00 to 13:00 |
TR32 Seminar Anja Stadler (Bonn) |
13:00 to 13:45 |
Lunch break (Lunch not provided) |
13:45 to 15:30 |
Exercises |
Fr 13.01.2012 |
Köln Seminar room Kerpener Straße 13 |
09:30 |
Yaping Shao Large eddy modeling of atmosphere and land surface interaction This lecture provides a general description of turbulence and turbulent transfer. The turbulent kinetic energy equation and the turbulent energy spectrum will be explained. The concept of large eddy and large eddy modeling will be introduced. Examples of large eddy modeling will be given. for presentation: see TR32DB |
11:00 |
Jan Vanderborght Inverse Modelling In this lecture I will briefly give the concept of inverse modelling, the definition of an objective function, multi-objective versus single objective optimisation, and local versus global optimisation. After introducing the concepts and definitions, an often used local optimisation procedure and its similarities with linear regression will be presented. Finally, the uncertainty of the inversely estimated parameters will be discussed. for presentation: see TR32DB |
Fr 09.12.2011 |
Bonn University Meteorological Institute Hörsaal |
09:30 |
Uwe Rascher This lecture introduces some of the phenomena that lie at the basis of photosynthesis: light as an electromagnetic wave; light absorption in plant pigments; charge separation in the photosystem and provision of enery-rich chemical bonds. Methodological hyperspectral and fluorescence techniques are introduced and their potential to quantify the functional status of photosynthetic charge separation is discussed. for presentation: see TR32DB |
10:30 |
Frank Ewert This lecture concentrates on carbon dioxide fixation, evaporation, biomass allocation and respiration. Further, photosynthesis at the leaf vs. the canopy level and biomass prediction models are addressed. for presentation: see TR32DB |
Fr 04.11.2011 | Bonn University Meteorological Institute Hörsaal |
10:30 |
Andreas Bott for presentation: see TR32DB |
13:30 |
Clemens Simmer for presentation: see TR32DB |
Fr 28.10.2011 |
FZ Jülich in Building 15.1 (Entrance E2)
09:30 | Lutz Weihermüller Theory of flow of water in soils This lecture covers the principles of water flow in soils. We will briefly cover: soil as a three-phase system, capillarity and matric potential, saturated and unsaturated flow equation, and parameterization of unsaturated flow models.
for presentation: see TR32DB
10:30 | Sander Huisman Soil hydrological measurements for unsaturated water flow This lecture discusses the toolkit of a vadose zone hydrologist for investigating unsaturated flow. We will briefly discuss the measurement principle of tensiometers and common soil water content sensors. The limitations of these local scale measurements will be discussed, and the need for alternative measurement strategies will be made clear. Next, remote sensing, wireless sensor networks, cosmic ray neutron probes and hydrogeophysical measurements will be briefly introduced and the potential and drawbacks to investigate unsaturated water flow will be discussed.
for presentation: see TR32DB
Mo 29.08.2011 |
Bonn University Meteorological Institute Hörsaal |
09:30 |
Susanne Crewell Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 32 "Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Systems: Monitoring, Modelling and Data Assimilation" was initiated in 2007. Its main hypothesis is that a better understanding of the exchange mechanisms between the different compartments of the Earth system can be gained from pattern analysis. This lecture provides an overview of the main achievements and conclusions of the first funding phase and looks ahead to the main research questions and challenges for the second funding phase, which started at the beginning of 2011. for presentation: see TR32DB |
10:30 |
Stefan Kollet |
Rules & Guidelines
Go directly to: Application forms | Travel reimbursement | Official documents | Doctoral Committee
Application forms
Here are links to
- Fellowship applications form (your advisor needs to apply)
International Co-operation Grant application form - Application form Invited Speaker Programme
For general TR32 administrative forms, please see under "Menu Intranet>Administration>Application Forms"
Travel reimbursement - IRTG Events
Travel costs incurred by participatin in IRTG events will be reimbursed by the University of Cologne. Please send the completed application for travel reimbursement with all relevant original receipts by post in time (latest 5 months after travel) to the IRTG coordinator.
Official documents
Agreement of Supervision ( Word |
pdf )
Doctoral student annotated task list ( pdf)
Ordnung der IRTG (Statutes of the IRTG - German only) ( pdf)
Doctoral Committee rules and guidelines
Here you can find:
- The rules for the composition of the Doctoral Committee
- Information and Guidelines for doctoral committee meetings (full set
pdf); this includes
- Information for DC meetings
- Guidelines for DC meetings
- Feedback form for DC meetings
The Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG, Graduate School) prepares doctoral students both directly working in TR32 and some associated with the project to work independently in academia or industry.
At the same time it provides skills and tools for solving interdisciplinary scientific and applied problems. This is achieved by a fusion of educational, technical and scientific community modules.
Emphasis is placed on the challenges that young scientists face in the professional world that range from quantitative problem solving to operating competitively in an international scientific community and industry.
IRTG Grants
On this page you can find information on the IRTG Grants and further opportunities offered by the IRTG.
Invited Speaker Programme | TR32 Fellowships | International Coop. Grants | Summer School Grants | Proof reading | Linux Clusters | Template for IRTG Grant reports
Invited Speaker Programme
All IRTG members can apply to invite a renowned scholar from outside TR32. The aim of this Invited Speaker Programme is to promote the interaction of TR32 doctoral students with renowned national and international scientists. Students will have the opportunity to meet the speaker in a group or one-to-one, and to take the speaker for lunch. Per application, a maximum of €1250 can be awarded.
The application form can be found here (login required).
Succesful applicants are awarded 2 credits.
These researches have already been invited by the IRTG members:
Successful Invited Speaker Applications by PhD Students | ||||||||||
Invited Speaker | Affiliation | Title | TR32 Host | Project | Date | |||||
Prof. Pavlos Kollias | McGill, Montreal, Canada | Using Cloud Radars for boundary layer observations | Maahn, Maximilian | D5 | December 10-14, 2012 | |||||
Prof. Dan Yakir | Dept. of Env. Sciences and Energy Research, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel | COS (carbonyl sulfide) as a tracer of CO2 fluxes and as a specific tracer of Gross Primary Production | Stockinger, Michael | C1 | March 10-14, 2013 | |||||
Dr. Mohsen Zarebanadkouki | Inst. of Soil Science and Soil Hydrology, Georg-August University Göttingen, Germany | A new method to image and quantify water flow in roots using neutron radiography and deuterated water | Huber, Katrin | B4 | October 14-15, 2013 | |||||
Prof. Bruce Balcom | Physics Department, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada | MRI/NMR methods for moisture imaging/measurements in porous media | Merz, Steffen | A1 | November 11-12, 2013 | |||||
Dr. Samuel Levis | NCAR, Boulder, USA | Implementing crop management into the CLM4.5: Parameterization and validation | Wieneke, Sebastian | D2 | July 18-21, 2014 | |||||
Dr. Yakov Pachepsky | USDA-ARS Environmental Microbial & Food Safety Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, USA | Patterns in soil-plant-atmosphere systems | Pohlig, Philipp | B1 | May 29 - June 18,2016 | |||||
Dr. Lars Nerger | Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany | Ensemble Data Assimilation with the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework (PDAF) | Clarissa Figura | Z2 | April 14 - April 15, 2016 | |||||
P.A. Ty Ferre | University of Arizona, Hydrology and Water Resource | 2016 Darcy Distinguished Lecture - Seeing Things Differently: Rethinking the Relationship between Data and Models | Christian von Hebel | B6 | May 18 - May 22, 2016 | |||||
Dmitri Moisseev | Division if Atmospheric Sciences, Deparment of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland | Remote sensing, radar signal processing | Gordon Diefenthal | D5 | June 20 - June 23, 2016 | |||||
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Reich | University of Reading, University of Potsdam | Probabilistic forecasting and data assimilation | Katharina Schinagl | D5 | November 2-4, 2016 | |||||
Prof. Dr. Rafael Rosolem | University of Bristol | Explicit representation of preferential flow in UK chalk for catchment-scale land modeling | Roland Baatz | C6 | November 23 - 27, 2016 | |||||
Prof. Dr. Stefan Oswald | University of Potsdam | Sensing soil water dynamicy - highly-resolved at small scale and as spatial integral on the field scale | Roland Baatz | C6 | November 23 - 27, 2016 | |||||
Dr. John Triantafilis | UNSW Sydney, Australia | Digital soil mapping (DSM) of soil and hydrological properties using a single-frequency, multiple coil array DUALEM-421 instrument and EM4Soil inversion software | Cosimo Brogi | B6 | June 21-23, 2017 | |||||
Prof. Dr. Jordi Vila-Guerau de Arellano | Wageningen University, Netherlands | Cloud-vegetation interaction | Tobias Marke, Thirza van Laar | D2/C4 | June 22-23, 2017 | |||||
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henrik Madsen | Danish Hydraulic Institute | Expersiances with multivariate data assimilation in integrated groundwater - surface water hydrological modelling | Hongjuan Zhang | C6 | April 23, 2018 | |||||
Ass. Prof. Dr. Gabriella de Lannoy | KU Leuven, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Division Soil and Water Management | Large-scale soil moisture estimation: modelling, satellite observations and data assimilation | Hongjuan Zhang | C6 | April 23, 2018 |
Successful Invited Speaker, IRTG Events | ||||||||||
Invited Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Project | Event | Date | |||||
Ülo Niinements | Estonian University of Life Sciences | Vegetation Modelling: the art to find the right level of abstraction | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | November 11, 2016 | |||||
Christopher Duffy | Pennsylvania State University | Qualitative Dynamics and Time Series Analysis in Hydrologic Systems | Guest Lecture | February 20, 2015 | ||||||
Marc Bierkens | Department of Physical Geography, Utrecht University | Global hydrology 2015: State, trends, and directions | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | October 23, 2015 | |||||
Cathy Hoehnegger | Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany | Land-atmosphere interactions and the representation of convection | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | October 23, 2015 | |||||
Rémy Soubie | Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) – Department of environmental sciences and land use planning, Laboratory of forest research and engineering | Sapflow- and dendrometer measurements: What can we learn from single trees? | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | February 19, 2016 | |||||
Micheal Frech | DWD, Hohenpeissenberg | Radar polarimetry in operational applications | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | June 23, 2016 | |||||
Gernot Bodner | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna | Methods to measure roots in SPAC | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | June 25, 2018 | |||||
Christiaan van der Tol | ITC, Enschede, NL | Regional Experiments For Land-atmosphere Exchanges (REFLEX) | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | March 12, 2014 | |||||
Kurt Roth | Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany | Multiscale terrestrial systems – soil water dynamics | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | October 22, 2014 | |||||
Merja Tölle | University Göttingen, Germany | Future local and regional response of surface net radiation due to bioenergy motivated agricultural transformations | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | July 18, 2014 | |||||
Helge Aasen | Institute of Geography, University of Cologne | Approaching hyperspectral vegetation data with mathematical pattern representation techniques: Problem definition and first attempts | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | February 10, 2015 | |||||
Thomas Pütz | FZJ, Germany | The use of lysimeters for hydrological, chemical and environmental research | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | June 18, 2015 | |||||
Markus Siebenmorgen | INS, University Bonn, Germany | Elliptic PDE's with random diffusion | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | November 27, 2015 | |||||
Christian Rieger | INS, University Bonn, Germany | Kernel-based methods in geostatistics | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | November 27, 2015 | |||||
Alexander Ryzhkov | University of Oklahoma, NOAA/NSSL | Radar-based now casting and detection of microphysical processes | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | June 23, 2016 | |||||
Kai Mühlbauer | Meteorological Institute, University Bonn, Germany | Visit of polarimetric X band radar BoXPol | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | June 23, 2016 | |||||
Sara Dal Gesso | Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Germany | Basics of boundary layer clouds | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | May 23, 2016 | |||||
Vera Schemann | Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Germany | Basics of cloud parameterization | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | May 23, 2016 | |||||
Jan Niederau | RWTH Aachen, Germany | Heat transfer processes in the Earth and modelling heat transport in the Crust | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | November 13, 2018 | |||||
Daniel Leitner | Simulationswerkstatt, Leonding, Austria | Modelling roots in SPAC | IRTG/MGK | Research Training Day | June 25, 2018 | |||||
Marijke Huysmans | KU Leuven, Belgium | Multiple point geostatistics and the use of training images for pattern characterization | IRTG/MGK | Guest Lecture | July 11, 2013 | |||||
Morten Canty | FZJ, Germany | Statistical Change Detection Methods for Multispectral and SAR Remote Sensing Imagery | IRTG/MGK | Guest Lecture | July 11, 2013 |
TR32 Fellowship
PIs (Principle Investigators) in TR32 can apply for a fellowship for a (doctoral) student from outside TR32 for him/her to work within TR32 for up to 6 months. Funding is available for 6 months per TR32 location per year.
The application procedure and form can be found through this link (login required).
Previous fellowships were awarded to:
Successful Fellowship Grants | ||||||||||
Fellow | Affiliation | Title | TR32 Host | Project | Date | |||||
Alali, Firas | TU-Berlin, Chair of Water Resources Management and Modeling of Hydrosystem, Department of Civil Engineering; Berlin, Germany | The influence of clay content, water content and pore water conductivity on NMR and SIP petrophysical parameters | Klitzsch, Norbert | A1 | May 15-November 15, 2011 | |||||
Cilia, Chiara | University of Milano Bicocca; Milano, Italy | Analysis of hyperspectral data from a novel high resolution imaging spectrometer | Rascher, Uwe | D2 | January 28 - April 27, 2013 | |||||
Duarte, Sandra | Universidad Cientifica del Sur; Lima, Peru | Investigation of spatio-temporal patterns of C-fluxes in a temporate grassland | Borchard, Nils | B1 | April 1-May 15, 2013 | |||||
Koebernick, Nicolai | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research; Leipzig, Germany | Dynamic root water uptake responses -comparison of 4D X-ray tomographieswith the model R-SWMS | Vanderborght, Jan | B4 | September 15-October 15, 2012 | |||||
Koebernick, Nicolai | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research; Leipzig, Germany | Modelling of water uptake in three-dimensional root systems of Vicia faba | Vanderborght, Jan | B4 | August 15 - February 14, 2013 | |||||
Kumjian, Matthew | University of Oklahoma, Department of Meteorlogy; Norman, Oklahoma, United States | Support of polarimetric radar interpolation in terms of precipitation generation mechanisms | Simmer, Clemens | C4 | July 08-August 08, 2011 | |||||
Larsen, Morten A.D. | University of Copenhagen, Institute of Geography and Geology, HYACINTS project; Copenhagen, Denmark | A coupled climate-hydrological model for a Danish catchment | Rihani, Jehan | C4 | December 15, 2012 - January 14, 2013 | |||||
Li, Min | Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Atmospheric Physics; Beijing, China | Large-Eddy Simulation of atmosphere and land interactionns over heterogeneous surfaces | Shao, Yaping | D6 | May 15-November 11, 2011 | |||||
McRobie, Fiona | Comparative simulations of WRF with and without the hydrological-coupled model PARFLOW. | Shao, Yaping | D6 | October 01-December 31, 2012 | ||||||
Mulle, Alice | SupAgro, Montpellier, France | Photosynthetic responses of wheat leaves to contrasting soil water availability in a heterogeneous field | Ewert, Frank | B5 | July 15 - September 14, 2012 | |||||
Williams, John L. | Colorado School of Mines, Hydrologic Science and Engineering Program; Golden, Colorado, United States | PF.WRF and PF.CLM.COSMO: a model intercomparison | Masbou, Matthieu | Z4 | September 03 - December 02, 2012 | |||||
Jefferson, Jennifer | Colorado School of Mines, Hydrologic Science and Engineering Program; Golden, Colorado, United States | Connecting land surface modling with vegetation observation | Rascher, Uwe | D2 | May 3- June 18, 2015 |
International Cooperation Grants
Travel grants are available to support research stays of our doctoral students at in international research institution or university. Their aim is to promote international collaboration of TR32 doctoral students. These funds are coordinated by the Integrated Research Training Group coordinator. Here is a link to the application form.
Doctoral students can apply for a maximum of 800€ for travel costs as well as an allowance of 100€ per month. In principle, these grants are for up to 3 months. In special cases, longer stay can be supported.
Successful applicants must submit a short report (including a photo) of their activities for the IRTG website to the IRTG coordinator within two weeks after their return, by e-mail .
Successful International Co-operation Grants | ||||||||
Student | Project | Affiliation | Host | Date | ||||
Qu, Wie | C1 | USDA-ARS Environmental Microbial and Food Safety Laboratory, Beltsville Maryland, USA | Yakov Pachepsky | March to May, 2013 | ||||
Rabbel, Inken | C1 | Department of Biology / Centre of Excellence PLECO, University of Antwerp, Belgium | Gaby Deckmyn | June, 2016 | ||||
Marke, Tobias | D2 | Finnish Meteorogical Institute (FMI), Helsinki, Finland | Ewan O'Connor | September, 2016 | ||||
Zhang, Hongjuan | C6 | Department of Civil & Environmwntal Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA | Bori Stoyanova | March to May, 2017 | ||||
Schmidt, Mari | D5 | National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, Oklahoma, USA | Alexander Ryzhkov | September, 2017 | ||||
Meyer, Nele | B3 | NCAR, Boulder, USA | Danica Lombardozzi | July, 2018 |
Summer School Grants
The TR32 directorate has allocated funds for the participation in Summer schools by IRTG members. They are primarily to pay for summer school fees.
The link to the application form can be downloaded here (login required).
Successful applicants must submit a short report (including a photo) of their activities for the IRTG website to the IRTG coordinator within two weeks after their return, by e-mail.
Successful IRTG summer/winter school Grants | ||||||||
Student | Section | Title | Date | Location | ||||
Wieneke, Sebastian | D2 | Greencycles II Training Workshop | Februrary 24 - 28, 2013 | MPI Jena, Germany | ||||
Krebsbach, Katharina | D5 | GEOSTSAT Quebec City 2013 | May 26 - June 2, 2013 | Quebec City, Canada | ||||
Bick, Theresa | C6 | Data Assimilation in Geosciences | June 03 - 14, 2013 | Maryland, USA | ||||
Merz, Steffen | A1 | Ampere NMR School | June 23 - 29, 2013 | Zakopane, Poland | ||||
Klimpt, Johannes | A3 | Advanced School on Data Assimilation | June 24 - 28, 2013 | Bologna, Italy | ||||
Cai, Xin | A1 | Ecole Chercheur des Racines et des Sols | June 26 - 29, 2013 | Montpellier, France | ||||
Hasan, Sayeh | C1 | 5th International Summer school on Radar/SAR | July, 12 - 19, 2013 | Bonn, Germany | ||||
Zerenner, Tanja | C4 | GECCO 2013 (Genetic an Evolutionary Computation Conference) | July 6 - 10, 2013 | Amsterdam, NL | ||||
Klimpt, Johannes | A3 | Advanced School on Data Assimilation | June 24 - 28, 2013 | Bologna, Italy | ||||
Esch, Sabrina | C3 | 5th ESA Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing | September 8-12, 2014 | Valencia, Spain | ||||
Dienfethal, Gordan | D5 | ITaRS Summer School on Clouds and Precipitation: Obeservation and Processes | September 8-17, 2014 | Jülich, Germany | ||||
Foncesa, Jose | D8 | FOMICS Winter School on Computational Fluid Dynamics | November 10-14, 2014 | Lugano, Switzerland | ||||
Zerenner, Tanja | C4 | EvoStar2015 | April 8-10, 2015 | Copenhagen, Denmark | ||||
Esch, Sabrina | C3 | 3rd ESA Advanced Course on Radar Polarimetry | January 19-23, 2015 | Frascati , Italy | ||||
Knist, Sebastian | C4 | The 16th Annual WRF Users' Workshop | June 15-19, 2015 | Boulder, Colorado, USA | ||||
Esch, Sabrina | C3 | Non-linear methods for complex systems analysis | September 28- October 2, 2015 | Cologne, Germany | ||||
Walther, Dorina | D7 | PhD Course Spatial Uncertainty Propagation | November 10-13, 2015 | Copenhagen, Denmark | ||||
Esch, Sabrina | C3 | Summer School Alpbach - Satellite Observation of the Global Water Cycle | July 12-21, 2016 | Tirol, Austria | ||||
Schinagl, Katharina | D5 | School BCAM-IMUVA Summer School on Uncertainty Quantification for Applied Problems | July 4-7, 2016 | Bilbao, Spain | ||||
Baatz, Dorina | D7 | HPSC TerrSys Fall School | October 10-14, 2016 | Bonn, Germany | ||||
Meyer, Nele | B3 | Statisic Course | March, 2017 | Witzenhausen, Germany | ||||
van Laar, Thirza | C4 | High resolution climate: observations, models and projections | September 3-8, 2017 | Ascona, Switzerland | ||||
Pohlig, Philipp | B1 | Moisture measurement in porous mineral materials | September 18-19, 2017 | Karlsruhe, Germany | ||||
Meyer, Nele | B3 | Statisic Course | March, 2018 | Witzenhausen, Germany | ||||
van Treek, Shari | B6 | Hydrogeophysics - ABC/J Summer School | August 27-31, 2018 | Jülich, Germany | ||||
Ochs, Johanna | B8 | Hydrogeophysics - ABC/J Summer School | August 27-31, 2018 | Jülich, Germany | ||||
Licon, José | C7 | Topological Data Analysis and persitent Homology | June 11-15, 2018 | Levico Terme, Italy | ||||
Rabbel, Inken | C1 | Microcores | Sepember, 2018 | Windeck, Germany |
Proof reading
IRTG offers a proof reading service to its members. There is a set amount of time available per person. The corrections are made by a native speaker with ample experience in correcting academic texts in natural sciences. The service is primarily aimed at an advanced version of manuscripts for journal articles.
Please contact the IRTG coordinator if you are interested and allow at least a month before the submission deadline of your paper.
Proof Reading Grants 2013-2015 | ||||
Student | Title | When | ||
Theresa Bick | ||||
Sabrina Esch | ||||
Steffen Mertz | ||||
Tanja Zerenner | ||||
Christian von Hebel | Large Scale Electrical Conductivity Estimation Using Quantitative Multi-Configuration Electromagnetic Induction Sensing Data | August 2012 | ||
Ali Muhammed | Estimation and Validation of RapidEye-based Time Series of Leaf Area Index for Winter Wheat | January 2014 | ||
Thomas Cornellison | Influence of spatial resolution on the simulation of spatio-temporal soil moisture variability in a forest catchment using the model HydroGeoSphere | February 2013 | ||
Sayah Hassan | Soil moisture estimation (Introduction and Conclusion) | January 2014 | ||
Johannes Klimpt | CO2 ux estimation by 4D-Var data assimilation of in situ and remote sensing data | January 2014 | ||
Anja Stadler | Quantifying the effects of soil variability on crop growth using apparent soil electrical conductivity measurements | February 2014 | ||
Maximilian Maahn | How does the space-borne radar blind-zone a_ect 1 derived surface snowfall statistics in polar regions? |
September 2014 | ||
Johannes Kenkel | IP Sensitivities of complex anisotropic subsurfaces | December 2014 | ||
Henning Schiedung | Seasonal variability of labile carbon fractions under arable land | April 2015 | ||
Nele Meyer | Carbon saturation drives spatial variability and losses of soil organic matter under bare fallow management | October 2015 | ||
Yen-Sen Lu | Introduction to dissertation | December 2015 | ||
Sebastian Wieneke | Airborne based spectroscopy of red and far-red sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence to improve estimates of gross primary productivity | December 2015 | ||
Inken Rabbel | Quantifying uncertainty in analyzing sapflow measurements on different time scales. | March 2016 | ||
Henning Schiedung | Paper draft | June 2016 | ||
Nele Meyer | Paper draft | December 2017 | ||
Thirza van Laar | Paper draft | December 2018 | ||
Thuy Huu Nguyen | Introduction to dissertation | July 2019 | ||
Johanna Ochs | Paper draft | July 2019 |
Linux Clusters
Doctoral students at each TR32 location have access to a Linux Cluster for High-Performance Computing. Arrangements for the use of the cluster need to be made on a personal bases. Please contact the IRTG coordinator if you are interested.
Template for IRTG Grant reports
By accepting an IRTG Grant (Summer School Grant, TR32 Fellowship, International Cooperation Grant) its recipients agree to send a report of their journey within two weeks after their return; these reports are published on the IRTG website. Please use this template for your report.