Dr. Roland Baatz Scientist in C6
FZ Jülich 52425 Jülich |
+49 (0)2461 61 2532 | |
+49 (0)2461 61 2518 |
r.baatz@fz-juelich.de | |
Internet |
SFB/TR32 - Project affiliations
C6 - Process-based modelling of regional water and energy fluxes taking into account multi-sensor and multi-scale observation patterns
2004-2008: BSc. in Environmental and Resource Management
Bachelor Thesis: Two-Dimensional Geoelectrical Tomography for the Purpose of Bedrock Edge
Detection at the Jupiter Sanctuary in Baalbek, Lebanon.
2008 - 2010: MSc. in Hydro-Informatics and Water Management
Master These: Development of a Solute Transport Model from a Three-Dimensional
Groundwater Flow Model for the Upper Limmat Valley Aquifer, Switzerland
2011-2016: Promotion mit dem Thema
Process-based modelling of regional water and energy fluxes taking into account measured neutron intensities by cosmic-ray probes