Dipl. Math. Johannes Klimpt Ph.D. Student in D3
University of Cologne Aachener Straße 209 |
0221/ 4002220 | |
jklimpt@uni-koeln.de | |
SFB/TR32 - Project affiliations
D3 - Sub-project number & title
MGK - Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) – all doctoral students
Doctoral research topic
Project start date: 07/12
CO2 flux estimation by 4-dimensional variational data assimilation of in situ and remote sensed data
Advisor: Hendrik Elbern
second DC member: Susanne Crewell; third DC member: Alexander Graf
Scientific interests
- carbon cycle
Dipl. Math. at Uni Bonn 2012
Thesis title: Quantitative Abschätzungen der Konvergenzgeschwindigkeit eindimensionaler Markovprozesse
Fieldwork / Research assignments
Chemical data assimilation
Professional memberships
Conference contributions
- http://www.uni-koeln.de/
- http://db.eurad.uni-koeln.de/