TR32 Publications for Project

Bauer, J., Weihermüller, L., Huisman, J., Herbst, M., Graf, A., Sequaris, J., Vereecken, H., 2010.
Inverse determination of heterotrophic soil respiration response to temperature and water content under field conditions.
Biogeochemistry. 108 (1-3), 119 - 134. DOI: 10.1007/s10533-011-9583-1.
Eder, F., Schmidt, M., Thomas, D., Träumner, K., 2014.
Meso-scale eddies affect near-surface turbulent exchange: evidence from lidar and tower measurements.
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. (submitted manuscript), 1 - 54.
Graf, A., van de Boer, A., Moene, A., Vereecken, H., 2014.
Intercomparison of methods for the simultaneous estimation of zero-plane displacement and aerodynamic roughness length from single-level eddy-covariance data.
Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 151, 373 - 387. DOI: 10.1007/s10546-013-9905-z.
Graf, A., Bogena, H., Drüe, C., Hardelauf, H., Pütz, T., Heinemann, G., Vereecken, H., 2014.
Spatiotemporal relations between water budget components and soil water content in a forested tributary catchment.
Water Resources Research. 50 (6), 4837 - 4857. DOI: 10.1002/2013WR014516.
Jonard, F., Weihermüller, L., Jadoon, K., Schwank, M., Vereecken, H., Lambot, S., 2011.
Mapping field scale soil moisture with L-band radiometer and Ground-Penetrating Radar Over Bare Soil.
IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and remote Sensing. 49 (8), 2863 - 2875. DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2011.2114890.
Jonard, F., Weihermüller, L., Vereecken, H., Lambot, S., 2012.
Accounting for soil surface roughness in the inversion of ultrawideband off-ground GPR signal for soil moisture retrieval.
Geophysics. 77 (1), 1 - 7. DOI: 10.1190/GEO2011-0054.1.
Mauder, M., Cuntz, M., Drüe, C., Graf, A., Rebmann, C., Schmid, H., Schmidt, M., Steinbrecher, R., 2013.
A strategy for quality and uncertainty assessment of long-term eddy-covariance measurements.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 169, 122 - 135. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.09.006.
Post, H., Hendricks-Franssen, H., Graf, A., Schmidt, M., Vereecken, H., 2014.
Uncertainty analysis of eddy covariance CO2 flux measurements for different EC tower distances using an extended two-tower approach.
Biogeosciences. 11, 1 - 41. DOI: 10.5194/bgd-11-11943-2014.
van de Boer, A., Moene, A., Graf, A., Simmer, C., Holtslag, A., 2014.
Estimation of the refractive index structure parameter from single-level daytime routine weather data.
Applied Optics. 53 (26), 5944 - 5960. DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.005944.
van de Boer, A., Moene, A., Schüttemeyer, D., Graf, A., 2012.
Sensitivity and uncertainty of analytical footprint models according to a combined natural tracer and ensemble approach.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 169, 1 - 11. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.09.016.
Weihermüller, L., Huisman, J., Hermes, N., Pickel, S., Vereecken, H., 2013.
A New TDR Multiplexing System for Reliable Electrical Conductivity and Soil Water Content Measurements.
Vadose Zone Journal. 12 (2), 1 - 11. DOI: 10.2136/vzj2012.0194.
Vereecken, H., Pachepsky , Y., Simmer, C., Rihani, J., Kunoth, A., Korres, W., Graf, A., Hendricks-Franssen, H., Thiele-Eich, I., Shao, Y., 2016.
On the role of patterns in understanding the functioning of soil-vegetation-atmosphere systems.
Journal of Hydrology. 542 (November 2016), 63 - 86. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.08.053.
Klosterhalfen, A., Herbst, M., Weihermüller, L., Graf, A., Schmidt, M., Stadler, A., Schneider, K., Subke, J., Huisman, J., Vereecken, H., 2017.
Multi-site calibration and validation of a net ecosystem carbon exchange model for croplands.
Ecological Modelling. 363, 137 - 156. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.07.028.