TR32 Publications for Project

Esch, S., 2018.
Soil moisture index from ERS-SAR and its application to the analysis of spatial patterns in agricultural areas.
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 12 (2), 1 - 23. DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.12.022206.
Fiener, P., Auerswald, K., van Oost, K., 2011.
Spatio-temporal patterns in land use and management affecting surface runoff response of agricultural catchments - A review.
Earth-Science Reviews. 106, 92 - 104. DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2011.01.004.
Fiener, P., Dlugoß, V., Korres, W., Schneider, K., 2012.
Spatial variability of soil respiration in a small agricultural watershed - Are patterns of soil redistribution important?.
Catena. 94, 3 - 16. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2011.05.014.
Korres, W., Reichenau, T., Fiener, P., Koyama, C., Bogena, H., Cornelissen, T., Baatz, R., Herbst, M., Diekkrüger, B., Vereecken, H., Schneider, K., 2015.
Spatio-temporal soil moisture patterns - a meta-analysis using plot to catchment scale data.
Journal of Hydrology. 520, 326 - 341. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.11.042.
Korres, W., Koyama, C., Fiener, P., Schneider, K., 2010.
Analysis of surface soil moisture patterns in agricultural landscapes using Empirical Orthogonal Functions.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 14, 751 - 764. DOI: 10.5194/hess-14-751-2010.
Korres, W., Reichenau, T., Schneider, K., 2013.
Patterns and Scaling Properties of Surface Soil Moisture in an Agricultural Landscape: An Ecohydrological Modeling Study.
Journal of Hydrology. 498, 89 - 102. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.05.050.
Koyama, C., Schneider, K., 2014.
Biomass-Corrected Quantitative Soil Moisture Estimation from Dual Polarimetric ALOS PALSAR Data.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 1 - 56.
Koyama, C., Korres, W., Fiener, P., Schneider, K., 2010.
Variability of Surface Soil Moisture Observed from Multi-temporal C-band SAR and Field Data.
Vadose Zone Journal. 9 (4), 1 - 11. DOI: 10.2136/vzj2009.0165.
Reichenau, T., Korres, W., Montzka, C., Fiener, P., Wilken, F., Wilken, F., Waldhoff, G., Schneider, K., 2016.
Spatial Heterogeneity of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and its Temporal Course on Arable Land: Combining Field Measurements, Remote Sensing and Simulation in a Comprehensive Data Analysis Approach (CDAA).
PLOS ONE. 11 (7), 1 - 24. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0158451.
Schmidt, M., Reichenau, T., Fiener, P., Schneider, K., 2012.
The carbon budget of a winter wheat field: An eddy covariance analysis of seasonal and inter-annual variability.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 165, 114 - 126. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.05.012.
Wieneke, S., Ahrends, H., Damm, A., Pinto, F., Stadler, A., Rossini, M., Rascher, U., 2016.
Airborne based spectroscopy of red and far-red sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence: Implications for improved estimates of gross primary productivity.
Remote Sensing of Environment. 184, 654 - 667. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2016.07.025.
Vereecken, H., Pachepsky , Y., Simmer, C., Rihani, J., Kunoth, A., Korres, W., Graf, A., Hendricks-Franssen, H., Thiele-Eich, I., Shao, Y., 2016.
On the role of patterns in understanding the functioning of soil-vegetation-atmosphere systems.
Journal of Hydrology. 542 (November 2016), 63 - 86. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.08.053.
Klosterhalfen, A., Herbst, M., Weihermüller, L., Graf, A., Schmidt, M., Stadler, A., Schneider, K., Subke, J., Huisman, J., Vereecken, H., 2017.
Multi-site calibration and validation of a net ecosystem carbon exchange model for croplands.
Ecological Modelling. 363, 137 - 156. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.07.028.
Book Section(s)
Koyama, C., Fiener, P., Schneider, K., 2011.
Soil moisture estimation under vegetation from PALSAR FBD data by means of polarimetric decomposition techniques.
In: Lenz-Wiedemann, V., Bareth, G. (Eds.): Proceedings on the Workshop of Remote Sensing Methods for Change Detection and Process Modelling. Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln - Kölner Geographische Arbeiten, Cologne, Germany, 63 - 70. DOI: 10.5880/TR32DB.KGA92.9.
Event Paper(s)
Koyama, C., Schneider, K., 2010.
A novel approach to estimate soil moisture under vegetation using partial polarimetric ALOS PALSAR data.
In: Kajiwara, K., Muramatsu, K., Soyama, N., Endo, T., Ono, A., Akatsuka S. (Eds.): Networking the World with Remote Sensing. Proc. of ISPRS Technical Commission VIII Symposium, August 09 - 12, 2010, Kyoto, Japan, 421 - 426.
Koyama, C., Schneider, K., 2011.
Soil Moisture Retrieval Under Vegetation Using Dual Polarized PALSAR Data.
Proc. of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), July 24 - 29, 2011, Vancouver, Canada, 1059 - 1062. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2011.6049378.
Koyama, C., Schneider, K., 2012.
Vegetation effects on L-band soil moisture retrieval – Lessons learned from 5 years of ALOS PALSAR Observations.
Proc. of Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), July 22 - 27, 2012, Munich, Germany, 1231 - 1235. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2012.6351321.