TR32 Publications for Project

Busch, S., van der Kruk, J., Vereecken, H., 2014.
Improved characterization of fine texture soils using on-ground GPR full-waveform inversion.
Klotzsche, A., van der Kruk, J., Bradford, J., Vereecken, H., 2014.
Detection of spatially limited high-porosity layers using crosshole GPR signal analysis and full-waveform inversion.
Water Resources Research. 50, 11 - 20. DOI: 10.1002/2013WR015177.
Klotzsche, A., Jonard, F., Looms, M., van der Kruk, J., Huisman, J., 2018.
Measuring Soil Water Content with Ground Penetrating Radar: A Decade of Progress.
Vadose Zone Journal. 1 - 9.
Lavoue, F., van der Kruk, J., Rings, J., Andre, F., Moghadas, D., Huisman, J., Lambot, S., Weihermüller, L., 2010.
Electromagnetic induction calibration using apparent electrical conductivity modelling based on electrical resistivity tomography.
Near Surface Geophysics. 2010 (8), 553 - 561. DOI: 10.3997/1873-0604.2010037.
Mester, A., van der Kruk, J., Zimmermann, E., Vereecken, H., 2011.
Quantitative Two-Layer Conductivity Inversion of Multi-Configuration Electromagnetic Induction Measurements.
Vadose Zone Journal. 10 (4), 1319 - 1330. DOI: 10.2136/vzj2011.0035.
Oberröhrmann, M., Klotzsche, A., Vereecken, H., van der Kruk, J., 2013.
Optimization of acquisition setup for cross-hole GPR full-waveform inversion using checkerboard analysis.
Near Surface Geophysics. 11 (2), 197 - 209. DOI: 10.3997/1873-0604.2012045.
Rudolph, S., van der Kruk, J., von Hebel, C., Ali, M., Herbst, M., Montzka, C., Pätzold, S., Robinson, D., Vereecken, H., 2015.
Linking satellite derived LAI patterns with subsoil heterogeneity using large-scale ground-based electromagnetic induction measurements.
Geoderma. 241-242, 262 - 271. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.11.015.
van der Kruk, J., Güting, N., Klotzsche, A., He, G., Rudolph, S., von Hebel, C., Yang, X., Weihermüller, L., Mester, A., Vereecken, H., 2015.
Quantitative Multi-Layer Electromagnetic Induction Inversion and Full-Waveform Inversion of Crosshole Ground Penetrating Radar Data.
Journal of Earth Science. 26 (6), 844 - 850. DOI: 10.1007/s12583- 015-0610-3.
von Hebel, C., Rudolph, S., Mester, A., Huisman, J., Kumbhar, P., Vereecken, H., van der Kruk, J., 2014.
Three-dimensional imaging of subsurface structural patterns using quantitative large-scale multiconfiguration electromagnetic induction data.
Water Resources Research. 50 (3), 2732 - 2748. DOI: 10.1002/2013WR014864.
von Hebel, C., Matveeva, M., Verweij, E., Rademske, P., Kaufmann, M., Brogi, C., Vereecken, H., Rascher, U., van der Kruk, J., 2018.
Understanding soil and plant interaction by combining ground‐based quantitative electromagnetic induction and airborne hyperspectral data.
Geophysical Research Letters. 45 (15), 7571 - 7579.
Weigand, M., Kemna, A., 2017.
Multi-frequency electrical impedance tomography as a non-invasive tool to characterize and monitor crop root systems.
Biogeosciences. 14 (4), 921 - 939. DOI: 10.5194/bg-2016-154.
Weigand, M., Flores-Orozco, A., Kemna, A., 2017.
Reconstruction quality of SIP parameters in multi-frequency complex resistivity imaging.
Near Surface Geophysics. 1 - 37.
Weigand, M., Kemna, A., 2016.
Relationship between Cole–Cole model parameters and spectral decomposition parameters derived from SIP data.
Geophysical Journal International. 1414 - 1419. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggw099.
Weigand, M., Kemna, A., 2016.
Debye decomposition of time-lapse spectral induced polarisation data.
Computers & Geosciences. 34 - 45. DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2015.09.021.
Weigand, M., Kemna, A., 2019.
Imaging and functional characterization of crop root systems using spectroscopic electrical impedance measurements.
Plant Soil. 435 (1-2), 201 - 224. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-018-3867-3.
Stadler, A., Rudolph, S., Kupisch, M., Langensiepen, M., van der Kruk, J., Ewert, F., 2015.
Quantifying the effects of soil variability on crop growth using apparent soil electrical conductivity measurements.
European Journal of Agronomy. 64, 8 - 20. DOI: 10.1016/j.eja.2014.12.004.
Vereecken, H., Pachepsky , Y., Simmer, C., Rihani, J., Kunoth, A., Korres, W., Graf, A., Hendricks-Franssen, H., Thiele-Eich, I., Shao, Y., 2016.
On the role of patterns in understanding the functioning of soil-vegetation-atmosphere systems.
Journal of Hydrology. 542 (November 2016), 63 - 86. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.08.053.
Klosterhalfen, A., Herbst, M., Weihermüller, L., Graf, A., Schmidt, M., Stadler, A., Schneider, K., Subke, J., Huisman, J., Vereecken, H., 2017.
Multi-site calibration and validation of a net ecosystem carbon exchange model for croplands.
Ecological Modelling. 363, 137 - 156. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.07.028.
Book Section(s)
Jonard, F., Bogena, H., Caterina, D., Garre, S., Klotzsche, A., Monerris, A., Schwank, M., von Hebel, C., 2019.
Ground-Based Soil Moisture Determination.
In: Xin Li; Harry Vereecken (Eds.): Ecohydrology. Observation and Measurement of Ecohydrological Processes. Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature, Heidelberg, 2 - 36.