TR32 Publications for Project

Antrett, P., Vackiner, A., Kukla, P., Klitzsch, N., Stollhofen, H., 2012.
Impact of arid surface megacracks on hydrocarbon reservoir properties.
AAPG Bulletin. 96 (7), 1279 - 1299. DOI: 10.1306/11211111069.
de Pasquale, G., Mohnke, O., 2014.
Numerical Study of Prepolarized Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in the Vadose Zone.
Vadose Zone Journal. 13 (11), 1 - 9. DOI: 10.2136/vzj2014.06.0069.
Gruetzner, C., Bemmann, J., Berking, J., Frechen, M., Klinger, R., Klitzsch, N., Linzen, S., Mackens, S., Oczipka, M., Piezonka, H., Reichert, S., Schneider, M., Schuett, B., 2012.
Improving archaeological site analysis: a rampart in the middle Orkhon Valley investigated with combined geoscience techniques.
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering. 9, 70 - 80. DOI: 10.1088/1742-2132/9/4/S70.
Heuser, M., Spagnoli, G., Leroy, P., Klitzsch, N., Stanjek, H., 2012.
Electro-osmotic flow in clays and its potential for reducing clogging in mechanical tunnel driving.
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 71 (4), 721 - 733. DOI: 10.1007/s10064-012-0431-x.
Mohnke, O., 2014.
Jointly deriving NMR surface relaxivity and pore size distributions by NMR relaxation experiments on partially desaturated rocks.
Water Resources Research. 50 (6), 5309 - 5321. DOI: 10.1002/2014WR015282.
Mohnke, O., Yaramanci, U., 2008.
Pore size distributions and hydraulic conductivities of rocks derived from magnetic resonance sounding.
Journal of Applied Geophysics. 66, 73 - 81. DOI: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2008.05.002.
Mohnke, O., Nordlund, C., Jorand, R., Klitzsch, N., 2014.
Understanding NMR relaxometry of partially water-saturated rocks.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. (submitted manuscript), 1 - 15.
Mohnke, O., Stiebler, M., Klitzsch, N., 2014.
Joint numerical microscale simulations of multiphase flow and NMR relaxation behavior in porous media using Lattice Boltzmann methods.
Water Resources Research. 50, 1 - 16. DOI: 10.1002/2013WR014684.
Mohnke, O., Klitzsch, N., 2010.
Microscale Simulations of NMR Relaxation in Porous Media Considering Internal Field Gradients.
Vadose Zone Journal. 9 (4), 846 - 857.
Neukirch, M., Klitzsch, N., 2010.
Inverting Capacitive Resistivity (Line Electrode) Measurements with Direct Current Inversion Programs.
Vadose Zone Journal. 9 (4), 882 - 892. DOI: 10.2136/vzj2009.0164.
Pape, H., Clauser, C., 2009.
Improved Interpretation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance T1 and T2 Distributions for Permeabil-ity Prediction - Simulation of Diffusion Coupling for a Fractal Cluster of Pores.
Pure and Applied Geophysics. 166 (5-7), 949 - 968. DOI: 10.1007/s00024-009-0480-7.
Pape, H., Arnold, J., Pechnig, R., Clauser, C., Talnishnikh, E., Anferova, S., Blümich, B., 2009.
Permeability prediction for low porosity rocks by mobile NMR.
Pure and Applied Geophysics. 166, 1125 - 1163. DOI: 10.1007/s00024-009-0481-6.
Reichling, K., Klitzsch, N., Raupach, M., 2012.
Tomographic measurements of electric resistivity of reinforced concrete structures.
Restoration of Buildings and Monuments. 18 (5), 275 - 286. DOI: 10.1515/rbm-2012-6540.
Spagnoli, G., Klitzsch, N., Fernandez-Steeger, T., Stanjek, H., Real Rey, A., Feinendegen, M., Azzam, R., 2011.
Application of electro-osmosis to reduce the adhesion of clay during mechanical tunnel driving.
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience. 17 (4), 417 - 426. DOI: 10.2113/gseegeosci.17.4.417.
Vogt, C., Klitzsch, N., Rath, V., 2014.
On self-potential data for estimating permeability in enhanced geothermal systems.
Geothermics. 51, 201 - 213. DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2014.01.008.
Volkmann, J., Klitzsch, N., 2010.
Frequency-Dependent Electric Properties of Microscale Rock Models for Frequencies from One Millihertz to Ten Kilohertz.
Vadose Zone Journal. 9 (4), 858 - 870.
Event Paper(s)
Volkmann, J., Mohnke, O., Klitzsch, N., Blaschek, R., 2008.
Microscale modelling of the frequency dependent resistivity of porous media.
Proc. of COMSOL Conference, November 09 - 11, 2008, Hannover, Germany, 1 - 4.
Volkmann, J., Klitzsch, N., Mohnke, O., Schleifer, N., 2013.
Rock properties influencing impedance spectra studied by lab measurements on porous model systems.
Proc. of International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, September 16 - 19, 2013, Napa Valley, California, USA, 419 - 424.